Women's autumn and mid-season coat
Problems to find an original autumn coat for women? Here are some examples of mid-season coats for women that will make a sensation!Nothing better defines the curves of a woman than a coat in the middle season, especially in autumn. An original mid-season coat for women should look nice and be neither too hot nor too cold to avoid layering clothes underneath. There is inevitably an autumn coat for each of us, and these original mid-season coats can only titillate our curiosity!
Light autumn coat: the typical mid-season coat
This style of autumn coat for women is quite flexible, fits well forms and is pleasant to wear in mild weather on a light outfit.
This is certainly not the most original woman's coat and it is better to choose a neutral color of clothing to go with, but which class is not?
Mid-season coat with belt
This woolen autumn coat has buttons and a wide waist-waistband that will skillfully thin the silhouette. Nuance this mid-season coat with brown clothing is perfect for fall. It's also not the most original woman's coat but a timeless classic!
Women's autumn coat in wool
The soft lines of this autumn coat and hem are perfect for emphasizing our shapes. A mid-season coat that's comfortable, a little hotter and chic!
Women's original coat
This autumn coat is a classic mid-season coat with accessories and prints. That's an original woman's coat right? Better to stick to clothes with bright colors to stay original.
Other original mid-season coat
This trench coat is a mid-season coat essential for women: bright, waterproof, stylish, it is the fall coat for casual women! And why not try a large floral print?
So certainly, this autumn coat is better for women tall and thin. In any case, it is better to choose blue, olive green or turquoise colors for this original coat.
Women's autumn and mid-season coat
Reviewed by nina
February 24, 2018