3 original Christmas gift ideas for men

3 original Christmas gift ideas for men

3 original Christmas gift ideas for men

Christmas is coming, to find children's gifts, it's very simple, but for the big boys of the family, how to be original? We would like to avoid offering an umpteenth tie that will end in the back of the closet! To please the men of the family at Christmas you are blown the answer: we think "dematerialized gifts" that will make them live a unique experience, in a word, a personalized gift!

idea 1: To his chocolate loving father-in-law, we give a gift to the chocolate box
Every month, his father-in-law will receive his gift directly at home: chocolate in all its forms! Chocolate to chew, to spread, to drink etc ..

idea 2: Our cousin is an unconditional supporter, offer him places for the games of his favorite football team!
We all have a cousin biting football or rugby, who has all the support very invested. So why not accompany him in his fervor, reserving for Christmas seats for the strategic games of his favorite team! Precisely, it is soon the 8th finals.

Alternative: if he is not sporty, he is offered places to go see his favorite comedian ...

idea 3: To his lover, we offer a trip for Christmas
Weekend in the countryside, stay in London or holiday in the mountains, we enjoy Christmas to offer gifts to share with two (or family)!

To create a surprise, we propose a mystery destination and we give him an appointment at the airport!

Last trick to be original until the end, we think to treat the presentation with personalized gift packaging.

3 original Christmas gift ideas for men 3 original Christmas gift ideas for men Reviewed by nina on February 25, 2018 Rating: 5
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