4 simple steps to keep your underwear all soft!

4 simple steps to keep your underwear all soft!

With good weather, we want to sweetness and why not new underwear. We fall for blue satin, a floral cotton, fine silk ... comfortable, they respect the delicacy of our skin. We love them. But we do not always know how to preserve their original sweetness. Storage, washing, drying ... Envie de Plus gives us the 4 golden rules to finally take care of it.

1. Separate storage
We reserve our underwear a space of their own, a drawer or a special box "lingerie".
And they are placed in a box made of cloth or tissue paper.
This avoids a splinter of wood in a drawer or the velcro of a garment pulls a thread.

2. Washing preferably by hand or in "delicate" mode
Washing by hand is ideal. Water is used at 30 ° C, Marseille soap or a mild detergent, but no softener. We soap without rubbing too hard: it breaks the fibers.
With the exception of silk and wool, they can also be machine washed.
The "delicate" program is used exclusively. They are placed in the center of the drum in a washing bag or pillow case: this protects them and prevents a whale from getting caught in the drum.

3. Drying in the open air
For spinning, gently press and then wipe with a bath towel.
They are then spread on a clothesline, hanger or flat.
Even in a hurry, they are never put on a radiator or in a tumble dryer, it would hone the finest fibers. However, in case of emergency, use a salad spinner! It is effective and without damage.

4. Ironing: under any circumstances!

The best way to keep long soft and cool underwear is to avoid the iron, especially for sensitive materials such as silk or muslin.

More tips:
In the first wash, let it soak for 10 minutes in water and white vinegar.
Then we rinse. It permanently fixes the colors.
We never use bleach: it fades colors, yellows white, and eats lace.

4 simple steps to keep your underwear all soft! 4 simple steps to keep your underwear all soft! Reviewed by nina on February 25, 2018 Rating: 5
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